Under government proposals which would bring it into line with global practices, a cross-sector competition law would be established to cover hardcore anti-competitive conduct such as price fixing, bid rigging, output restriction and market allocation. 根据香港政府的提案,香港将制订一部跨行业的竞争法,将涵盖典型反竞争行为,例如价格操纵、串通投标、产量限制和市场配置。这一提案将让香港与国际惯例保持一致。
With the increasing of global climate anomaly, the restriction for pollutant emission becomes the great urgency for many countries. 随着全球气候异常现象日益增多,对大气污染的排放控制,成为很多国家刻不容缓的工作。
The deterioration of global environments brings trade restriction measures into the consideration of environment protection and the prick up of international economy competition causes the cut down of tariff and non-tariff trade barrier. 全球环境问题的恶化使得人们开始考虑使用经贸限制措施促进环境的保护,国际经济竞争的加剧使关税和传统的非关税壁垒进一步削减。
However, in the process of maintaining international peace and security, the promotion of economic development, the improvement of the global management, the United Nations increases its corrosion and restriction on the national sovereignty. 然而,联合国在维护国际和平与安全、促进经济发展、加强全球治理的过程对国家主权的侵蚀和制约增多。
The global competition drives enterprises to make adjustment and innovation within the inner environment variation and external resource restriction. 企业竞争日趋全球化,驱使企业为适应外部环境的变化和内部资源的制约在管理方面做出相应调整和创新。
On the other hand, using foreign capital has enter into a new phase in china because the trend of global direct investment and the restriction of land 、 resource 、 environment in china. 另一方面,基于全球国际直接投资走向和中国土地、资源、环境约束,中国利用外资已进入一个新阶段。
The algorithm can realize local search and global search in a way of controlling the restriction value of search space, and has better ability to search in local region and jump out of local optimal solution simultaneously. 该算法利用控制搜索空间的限制大小来实现算法的局域搜索和全局搜索,具有良好的局部集中搜索和跳出局部最优的能力。
The3G development trend of global mobile operation industry mainly presents in the issue of several3G li-censes, change in term restriction and diversification of3G licenses; 这一年全球移动运营业的3G动向主要表现为只有少数几个发放了3G牌照,条款限制出现变化,牌照形式多样化;
The fuzzy property is the character of contour matching and the genetic algorithm is a global optimizing adaptive search algorithm. With this algorithm, it is accurate to express the restriction of contour matching and to reduce the error matching effectively. 模糊性为轮廓匹配问题本身所具有,借鉴遗传算法这一种全局优化自适应概率搜索算法,可以准确表达轮廓匹配中的约束,有效地减少错误匹配的发生。
As for the simulated annealing algorithm, convergence to the global minimum can be achieved theoretically if the calculation time is long enough, but the result of global optimization is not ideal in practice because of the restriction of calculation speed and time. 模拟退火算法理论上只要计算时间足够长,就可以保证收敛于全局最优点。但是在实际算法的实现过程中,由于计算速度和时间的限制,全局寻优点的效果并不理想。
In the integration of global media, governments still have powerful restriction on media. This restriction is not conducted by "hard control" but by "soft control". 在媒介全球范围内的整合浪潮下,政府仍然对媒介具有强大的制约,这种制约不是通过简单的硬控制,而是通过软控制进行的。
Nowaday global problems, such as ecological disturbance, enviromental pollution and destruction, energy and resource shortage, population expansion and so on, showed the revenge and restriction of nature to human. 当今全球性问题,诸如生态失调、环境污染、破坏,上地沙化,能源、资源短缺,人口膨胀日益接近地球的极限养活人口数等,突出地反映了自然对人类的报复和制约。
Researched the optimization theory in image registration based on maximizing mutual information, proposed to use simulate annealing-simplex method to do the global optimization and to use a new cycling method the deal with edge restriction which was compared with impingement method. 研究了基于最大互信息的图像配准的优化理论,提出以模拟退火-单纯型法作为全局优化方法,并采用了周期循环法这种新的边界约束处理环节,将其与撞壁法作了比较。
Along with the global relaxation of financial restriction and the rapid progress of corporate bond market, the damage caused by credit risk is an issue of great concern in finance. 随着企业债券市场的迅速发展,全球金融管制的逐步放松,信用风险的危害日益受到金融界关注。
The cross-border Merger and Acquisitions not only makes the enterprises effectively integrate the global industry resource and the structure, but also steer clear of the investing restriction and trade barrier coming from the host country, with a result of breaking into the market quickly. 跨国并购不仅使企业有效地整合产业资源,也可以使其绕过东道国的投资限制和贸易壁垒,从而迅速打入子公司所属国的市场。
Then the solutions to the central sequence are discussed respectively under global restriction and local restriction. 本文详细讨论了这种中心序列的定义在全局约束和局部约束下的求解方法。